24 September 2012

Homestead–Stake Your Claim Bourbon Whiskey

Homestead–Stake Your Claim Barrel Proof Bourbon Whiskey—750 ml, 57.25% ABV.

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  1. Amazing... Like Knob Creek with a sweeter aftertaste of carmel and vanilla. Traditional bourbon flavor on the initial taste, strong but with a flavorful finsih. Notes of oak, carmel, vanilla and honey. WOW!!!

  2. Where can i buy this whiskey? tryed it and loved it. Now i want a bottle please

  3. Where can i buy this? i have tryed it once and loved it. Would love to have a bottle. Thanks

  4. No details on where to buy yet. Stay tuned.

  5. i bought a bottle today at sams club in cedar rapids, ia. but there was only eight bottles left.cant wait for my buddy to come over so i can crack it open and try it.

  6. Sounds great. We can't wait to try it.

  7. According to their web site, Homestead is in the following states Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Washington

  8. Homestead has received several awards recently from The Beverage Testing Institute in Chicago, San Francisco World Spirits Competition and the Ultimate Spirits Challenge in New York. Homestead was also highly rate in Whisky Magazine in the June 2013 issue. Homestead is now being distributed in the following states; California Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin

  9. Thanks for the information, John. We can't wait to try it.
