05 April 2016

Branded Spirits USA Launches Ol' Major Bacon Bourbon

imageSAN FRANCISCO, April 5, 2016  -- Nick Chen, Master of all things "spirits", and his brother visited a restaurant that was featuring a bacon bourbon cocktail.  Bacon and bourbon are two of the most popular obsessions, and Nick's brother exclaimed, "Nick, you need to create a Bacon Bourbon!"

Nick and his brother created a website, www.baconbourbonusa.com. The website had 20K+ hits in the first few days.

Nick's latest edition to this award winning portfolio of craft spirits is Ol' Major Bacon Bourbon, a Jimmy Fallon approved "category" of cocktails.  Jimmy hosted a feature on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" about the popularity of bourbon cocktails.


Jimmy Fallon stated about the category, "Oh, it's fantastic! It just has a subtle hint of it ... And everything's better with bacon," says Fallon, April 5, 2013.

Ol' Major is beginning to go viral with bartenders and master mixologists around the country, creating magical unique types of cocktails. Some of the best Bloody Marys, Old Fashions and Manhattans - the mix ability and opportunities for cocktail recipes are boundless. Consumers of Ol' Major are pleasantly surprised, and in fact consumers find it to be delectable.

"This product has no chance of failing." – Eva Meszaros, Editor, Specialty Food Magazine

"Mmm. We approve of anything with bacon in it."

Ol' Major gently infuses the bacon, the award winning bourbon with its proprietary process of pressure infusion, melding the two together. There is a lot of love in the bottles


Nick Chen stated, "We knew people would love our product." Chen says, "What we didn't know is that it would grow so darn fast!"

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