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31 July 2014
30 July 2014
29 July 2014
28 July 2014
60 Years Strong: Wild Turkey® Diamond Anniversary Celebrates Master Distiller Jimmy Russell's Six Decades With Famed Kentucky Distillery
LAWRENCEBURG, KY July 28, 2014 - Today, a living legend in the global spirits industry gets his due, as the whiskey brand he's nurtured for an astonishing 60 years releases Wild Turkey® Diamond Anniversary, a commemorative Bourbon in his honor. Celebrating six decades of service with the famous Lawrenceburg, Kentucky distillery this year, Wild Turkey's Jimmy Russell is now considered the longest-tenured, active Master Distiller in the world. ...
27 July 2014
26 July 2014
25 July 2014
24 July 2014
23 July 2014
22 July 2014
21 July 2014
20 July 2014
19 July 2014
18 July 2014
17 July 2014
Jim Beam® Taps Fans' Own Personal "Statements" To Help Co-Create Bottle Labels For Its New Single Barrel Bourbon
From Jim Beam: DEERFIELD, Ill., July 17, 2014 -- Each bottle of Jim Beam® Single Barrel, the first-ever single barrel offering from the world's No. 1 bourbon brand, exemplifies individuality – not only with the distinct flavor and personality of the bourbon itself, but also with its hand-crafted and hand-written bottle labels. And to celebrate its launch, Jim Beam® announces today that it's giving fans across the U.S. the opportunity...
Drinking Buddies: Jameson Irish Whiskey & Kelso Beer (Video)
From Jameson: Jameson Irish Whiskey and Kelso Beer create a limited edition barrel-aged IPA at Northside Festival in Brooklyn....